I've felt very blah & behind on sleep all week after my bout of food poisoning. I'm hoping this weekend will help me recharge, but last night certainly didn't. The cats woke us up at 3:30 (us being me & the baby, my husband had already been woken up & was downstairs) and Amber woke up again around 5, then again at 6, we went & bugged her daddy around 7:30. She's playing happily downstairs while I try to get some breakfast, pump, etc while listening to her (& now Daddy too...and now TV as well) on the monitor.
Looks like there may be some issues with my layout... dunno what to do, I'll publish & see how it looks & if anyone can help me out, please do!
Update - I changed the layout & this works... I was going to have a couple of the pictures set to the left & right instead of just in a row down the center, but it did weird things & overlapped the pictures.

And a couple collages I made with pictures of the eggs we dyed;