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So, a lot's been going on. Most notably, the recent deaths, birth and anniversaries.
My emotions haven't caught up with me. I've cried, but with my dry eyes, most of my tears didn't even spill over. The part that bothers me most about losing my great aunt & grandma is what my grandpa's going through. He lost his older sister & wife within a week of each other, and with his own increasing dementia, he keeps forgetting. At Grandma's funeral he kept saying "I just had all this dumped on me today, didn't I?"
What do i say to that? No, you just forgot. I just kinda nodded. He did just have it all dumped on him, again, and again, and again. I wonder what's going to happen in the days & weeks to come. If you know my mom, she could use a friendly phone call or note.
Amber's been a joy though. She loves meeting new people and kept spirits up at the funerals. It was hard for me to feel sad for any amount of time with her around. :P
Another joy was Andrea having baby Haley even though she also lost her grandma in the last week. We finally got to meet her when she was one week old.
Paul & I celebrated our 3rd anniversary of our wedding. It was a nice, quiet day. We just took it easy most of the day. Went to Cracker Barrel for dinner and went for a walk in the evening. Walked to our friends' place & visited for a while before walking back.
I've made some new jewelry! Have a couple commissions and a couple other new pieces. I have ideas for a bunch more that I'm anxious to make. I've been reorganizing my beads, but I need to pick it all up from the living room, along with a bunch of other stuff, so that Paul can vacuum and we can get this place more cleaned up. Gotta get going on the babyproofing too, as Amber is scooting now & will be crawling in no time! We're in trouble!
New piece that I'll probably put up for sale
Zipper pull that will be for sale, might make some matching pieces, I have more of those fruit charms. :)
One of my commission pieces
Amber in one of her new dresses!