So, I decided today to just go with the assignment, but I got a really late start & had to have my daughter help me. We only got two sets of windows done. They needed it badly though. I washed their curtains & hubby's going to hang them back up to dry. Pics later! :)
Amber helping clean the windows with the curtains on the floor. The little stool she's standing on used to be mine. It says "This little stool is mine, I use it all the time, to reach the things I couldn't, & lots of things I shouldn't!"
This is nothing compared to other areas I cleaned, this is just the dust from on top of the top sill. I'm kinda embarrassed to admit that it was this bad because a couple *cough*years*cough* ago we had new floors put in the kitchen & front hall & it was the dead of winter when they did it & record lows the days they were actually working, so they tried to do some of the slate & hardwood cutting outside, but on the porch [just outside these particular windows] to avoid wind & when it got even colder they brought it inside. They left the place filthy & I didn't get around to cleaning the windows until now. I had actually cleaned the inside of the right one a few days prior when it was nice out & I'd opened the window to let air in while I was babysitting.
So here's the before & after, the left versus the right:
& here I am mid-swipe, so you get a better idea of just how gross it was. Yikes!
Luckily, our windows were made with this nifty feature of being able to fold into the house so we don't have to go outside & remove the screens to wash the outsides! :)
After my hubby came home, we figured out how to flip down the top windows, too. I still need to go back & wash the outsides of the top windows in the front hall. It was hard to get them to stay back up afterwards though. It was weird, you had to lower them again a certain amount before you pushed them back up to get something to catch & hold them. My hubby smashed three of his fingers in the process of trying to figure this out. :( Thankfully it wasn't hard enough to break them or anything... & I'm also thankful that our daughter didn't repeat the word he said. ;)
This is sort of a before & after of the dining room windows, which weren't nearly so bad as the hall ones. The near one, on the right is the "before" & the one reflecting our cat Layla is the "after."
I also still need to wash the inside bottom of the dining room windows. I didn't get to that before we went out to dinner. So, that, the outsides of the top windows in the front hall & then the curtains & everything for every other window in the house... yikes. Oh & I didn't dust the blinds yet. So, two more windows on the main floor, plus the ones on the doors (which have been cleaned more recently at least.)Only one window in the basement, but four more upstairs. Still, those in the front hall were the worst & they're mostly done. :)
We were also planning to clean out the snake's cage today, but I don't think the weather is going to cooperate. My sister is coming to visit at 4 & then my cousin's fiance's birthday party (bowling) is at 6.
Yesterday we went to visit my hubby at work & attend a retirement party for one of his co-workers. She was almost like another grandma to Amber & gave us a few gifts. Arg. I wish I'd taken pics of the card I made her! We also gave her a "drawing" of Amber's & a necklace I made. Last night & this morning I helped my friend Doug who's disabled. My few hours a week with him are why I'm technically a part-time employee of the state.
Anywho... better get back to it! Amber's getting restless. :)