Friday, April 6, 2012


I didn't get to the fridge, but I showered, cleaned out the left half of the sink & the garbage disposal & under the sink.

Part-way through the process... this isn't even everything that was under there AND this was after I'd already cleaned up the crud in there.
Yes, for some reason, there was a squished gift bow... & a sprinkler... & that bottle of Febreeze in front of the cat? I think it's 4 or 5 years old... I had no idea it was in there & it was growing mold! EW!

Here's the rest of what was in there. Basically, whatever you can't see in the crate is full of spray paints!

Some of the extra cleaning supplies went upstairs to the laundry room & a few things that were out on the counters are now under the sink, like the extra boxes of garbage bags & the surplus bottles of dish soap.

As far as my goal of getting rid of 7 things: I'm giving the bottle of Jet-Dry we can't use to my sister- & brother-in-law, I got rid of that bottle of Febreeze & there was a glass in there with tweezers, 2 thermometers & a bulb sucker thingy which are all going in the garage sale/Goodwill bin.

Day 5 Assignment

Day 5 Assignment

::Get dressed in something that makes you feel great {there’s something about dressing in clothes that make you feel great that just gives you more energy and zest for life! Get your free copy of SarahMae’s ebook, Frumps to Pumps, if you need more motivation in this.}

::Sit down with a cup of coffee or tea, refer to your list of weekly goals, and make a list of no more than 5-7 specific things you want to accomplish today.

::Complete your morning routine {if you don’t have a morning routine, take some time to create one today! Read my How to Develop a Routine That Works–And Stick With It series for step-by-step help.}

::Remove your couch cushions and clean out any crumbs, toys, or other miscellaneous items you find. Use an attachment on your vacuum to vacuum the cushions, underneath the cushions, and all crevices of your furniture. Spot clean the fabric, if needed.

::Set the timer for at least 15 minutes and do something you really enjoy and that relaxes and rejuvenates you. If you need ideas, here are a few: read, write, call a friend, pray, exercise, bake, play with your children, laugh with your husband, stop by the bookstore and browse the book selection, work in the garden, or take a nap! Take some time to just stop and enjoy life today!

I'm starting to feel better, so I think I'll go back to day 2 & try to start from there. We'll see. I need a shower, the sink may need more attention than the fridge & my supposedly "monthly" visitor decided 4days=a month. Sorry if that's TMI, but it's frustrating. We're trying for baby #2 & just want to yell at mother nature "not cool!" [Yes, I called my dr. & they were out for Easter break, so I called the on-call dr. & talked to his nurse & she said as long as it's not too heavy {yes, she specified what that would be} that I should just monitor & call my regular office again on Mon or Tue when they're back.]

Some things I made

For the craft swap

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Day 4 Assignment

Day 4 Assignment

::Get dressed in something that makes you feel great {there’s something about dressing in clothes that make you feel great that just gives you more energy and zest for life! Get your free copy of SarahMae’s ebook, Frumps to Pumps, if you need more motivation in this.}

::Sit down with a cup of coffee or tea, refer to your list of weekly goals, and make a list of no more than 5-7 specific things you want to accomplish today.

::Complete your morning routine {if you don’t have a morning routine, take some time to create one today! Read my How to Develop a Routine That Works–And Stick With It series for step-by-step help.}

::Set the timer for 15 minutes and do a quick-clean of your bathroom. Need specific directions? Read this article on How to Clean Your Bathroom in 15 Minutes.

::Clean out underneath your beds and furniture. Remove clutter and trash and put it away or throw it away. Move the furniture (if possible) and vacuum underneath.

::Find 7 items to get rid of today. Throw them out, stick them in a donate or garage sale box, give them to a friend who can use them, or list them on Craigslist or eBay.

Still sick. I bailed last minute on babysitting. :( Sent hubby out to do the shopping w/our daughter along so I could veg some more & suck on one of my last Ricolas while he goes to buy more.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

I got my baby back!

Amber's back after two nights at my mom & step-dad's while I was battling the sickness. I'm still pretty miserable, but I think/hope I'm over the worst of it. So here's some pics of her enjoying the stuff out of my craft swap. :)

She wouldn't hold still to model the purse!

Day 3 Assignment

Day 3 Assignment

::Get dressed in something that makes you feel great {there’s something about dressing in clothes that make you feel great that just gives you more energy and zest for life! Get your free copy of SarahMae’s ebook, Frumps to Pumps, if you need more motivation in this.}Still just stickin' to T-shirt & jeans. That is, when I finally showered & got dressed around noon.

::Sit down with a cup of coffee or tea, refer to your list of weekly goals, and make a list of no more than 5-7 specific things you want to accomplish today.Nope.

::Complete your morning routine {if you don’t have a morning routine, take some time to create one today! Read my How to Develop a Routine That Works–And Stick With It series for step-by-step help.}Didn't even stick to my morning routine. All I had for breakfast was OJ & some crackers.

::Set the timer for 15 minutes and do a quick-clean of your bedroom: throw out any trash, put away items that are out of place, get rid of clutter, tidy up, vacuum, and make your bed.Maybe later.

::Clean out your freezer(s). If you need step-by-step help, read this guide on How to Clean Out Your Freezer.Maybe later.

::Find 7 items to get rid of today. Throw them out, stick them in a donate or garage sale box, give them to a friend who can use them, or list them on Craigslist or eBay.Every day?? I think I'd be kinda hard-pressed to do this one day, unless I found a whole collection of books or something I decided to part with...

Again.. I'm getting this late, and I'm still sick... maybe I'll catch up. Maybe.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Spring Swaperoo!

What I received from my swap partner!

Matching purses for Amber & me, a super soft set of bunnies & cute kid gloves that match her Easter dress!

I didn't even tell her how much I love pockets & she included two interior pockets! :)

One of my cats was being ever so helpful in my attempts to photograph these things!

I'm sure I'll have more to share after my daughter comes home & gets to try these things out! :D

Day 2

Day 2 Assignment

::Get dressed in something that makes you feel great {there’s something about dressing in clothes that make you feel great that just gives you more energy and zest for life! Get your free copy of SarahMae’s ebook, Frumps to Pumps, if you need more motivation in this.}

::Sit down with a cup of coffee or tea, refer to your list of weekly goals, and make a list of no more than 5-7 specific things you want to accomplish today.

::Complete your morning routine {if you don’t have a morning routine, take some time to create one today! Read my How to Develop a Routine That Works–And Stick With It series for step-by-step help.}

::Set the timer for 15 minutes and do a quick-clean of your kitchen: wash the dishes/load the dishwasher, clear off the countertops, and, if you have time, wipe down the countertops and the outside of the cupboards with wet rag or cleaning cloth.

::Clean out your refrigerator. There’s a step-by-step guide for cleaning out your refrigerator here.

::Find 7 items to get rid of today. Throw them out, stick them in a donate or garage sale box, give them to a friend who can use them, or list them on Craigslist or eBay.

I'm miserable & sick... My fridge could really use cleaning out... Bleh, we'll see.

Progress as of Tuesday

The contents of my purse:

If you missed it before, I found just over $11 just in change in my purse (if you count the bicentennial quarter at face value)... so that plus the sheer amount of paperstuffs (receipts & such) and old candy, pills & cough drops I got out of there lightened things up significantly! :D

In other news... I went yesterday & picked out new glasses. :) Here I am trying them on, if my eyes look a little unfocused, it's because they're a LOT unfocused! I can't focus past my elbows without my Rx.

My daughter stayed the night last night with my mom. I've got a lot on my to-do list today & of course... now I've come down with a cold. I'm pretty miserable. I took some Dayquil, so here's hoping I can keep up with it all!

[Edit: I made it to my morning appt, but felt pretty miserable. I canceled my afternoon appointment & have been resting. I feel a bit better, I might attempt to get some soup for lunch once I finish this cough drop.]

Monday, April 2, 2012

4 weeks to a more organized home!

I subscribe to this via e-mail, but missed this post & then found it on Pinterest. I definitely need some motivation/direction beyond what I've been doing, so here goes!
4 weeks to a more organized home! via

Day 1 Assignment [my responses in italics]

::Get dressed in something that makes you feel great {there’s something about dressing in clothes that make you feel great that just gives you more energy and zest for life! Get your free copy of SarahMae’s ebook, Frumps to Pumps, if you need more motivation in this.} Well, I read this too late, but I did wear my favorite jeans & a shirt I like today anyway!

::Sit down with a cup of coffee or tea and make a list of 5-10 goals for this week. I already have my mega list of goals broken down into littler goals, so I'll just reference that.

::Complete your morning routine {if you don’t have a morning routine, take some time to create one today! Read my How to Develop a Routine That Works–And Stick With It series for step-by-step help.}Again, too late for that, but I do have a routine & I completed it. :)

::Set the timer for 15 minutes and quickly pick up the main living areas of your home. Well, this'll have to still be on my to-do list[Edit: Done! my alarm didn't go off, so I spent 18 mins. :P ]

::Clean out your purse and/or diaper bag.Well, if you look at my previous posts, I already did this! Yay for being ahead of the game!

::Find 7 items to get rid of today. Throw them out, stick them in a donate or garage sale box, give them to a friend who can use them, or list them on Craigslist or eBay. Well, I've already got some bags & boxes set aside for the garage sale & then Goodwill for whatever doesn't sell, but I guess I could look around for 7 more things.

Well, I better get to it!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Shopping tonight

Went to Meijer & Walgreens.
At Walgreens I saved 30.8%. I spent $70.75 & saved $31.49. At Meijer I saved 51.2% (Unless you count the $10 I spent on my Rx, I got $20 off though for transferring it!)but it would have only been 26.9% if I hadn't gotten the $20 off. Only. ;) I'll get another $10 off if I fill another Rx. :)

I've been keeping up a pretty good average of about 25% savings with the couponing. :) I got a good stockpile going on dish washing, laundry stuff, shower stuff, cereal & Carnation Instant Breakfast.