Monday, April 2, 2012

4 weeks to a more organized home!

I subscribe to this via e-mail, but missed this post & then found it on Pinterest. I definitely need some motivation/direction beyond what I've been doing, so here goes!
4 weeks to a more organized home! via

Day 1 Assignment [my responses in italics]

::Get dressed in something that makes you feel great {there’s something about dressing in clothes that make you feel great that just gives you more energy and zest for life! Get your free copy of SarahMae’s ebook, Frumps to Pumps, if you need more motivation in this.} Well, I read this too late, but I did wear my favorite jeans & a shirt I like today anyway!

::Sit down with a cup of coffee or tea and make a list of 5-10 goals for this week. I already have my mega list of goals broken down into littler goals, so I'll just reference that.

::Complete your morning routine {if you don’t have a morning routine, take some time to create one today! Read my How to Develop a Routine That Works–And Stick With It series for step-by-step help.}Again, too late for that, but I do have a routine & I completed it. :)

::Set the timer for 15 minutes and quickly pick up the main living areas of your home. Well, this'll have to still be on my to-do list[Edit: Done! my alarm didn't go off, so I spent 18 mins. :P ]

::Clean out your purse and/or diaper bag.Well, if you look at my previous posts, I already did this! Yay for being ahead of the game!

::Find 7 items to get rid of today. Throw them out, stick them in a donate or garage sale box, give them to a friend who can use them, or list them on Craigslist or eBay. Well, I've already got some bags & boxes set aside for the garage sale & then Goodwill for whatever doesn't sell, but I guess I could look around for 7 more things.

Well, I better get to it!

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