Another flyer made by one of hte other CIE members:

I've also been trying to get the house cleaned up for Paul's birthday this weekend... er, tomorrow! He's turning the big 3-0!
I kinda worked against that goal the other day, though, when a friend's facebook post reminded me that I have a self-portrait I drew using my toes (yes, I have some really... odd... talents!) and I went in search of said portrait. I couldn't find it. I think I might have given it to my professor/adviser in college. I'm sure I have a photo of it somewhere, but the search continues... I did, however, find just about every other piece I had in my senior art show and then-some.... so I'm thinking about putting some of them back up for sale.
So, I've been trying to decide how to go about doing so... use my existing Etsy? Make a new Etsy site? Try to figure out E-Bay? Just post on facebook & accept cash or check? Some combination of the above...?
I put a poll up on facebook and even without that input I was leaning towards making a new Etsy... I'm just hesitant to try to maintain two active & one inactive Etsy sites when I'm already doing so poorly with the others. :P (The inactive one is Erdbeerkuche... the name was unique, but too hard for non-German-speakers to remember!)
So, moral of the story... after Paul's party I'm going to be in full-blown business mode to prep for the show & maybe start listing my college art.
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