Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Bucket List

I'm not sure what inspired me to do this now... other than I saw an article headline or something about one for a baby (?) and that got me thinking about it...
I was thinking I wanted to ask my mom what was on hers & see if I could help make something on it happen.
So, I thought... what would be on mine?

Travel to & all through Egypt.
See my children & (potential...hopefully) grandchildren grow up & be contented, productive members of society.
Complete my & my children's scrapbooks.
Get my house cleaned up & organized & maintain it that way.
Buy or build something closer to our dream house.
Copy family photos over to digital & put them in the family tree program.
Write a will.

That's what I can think of off the top of my head right now. What would be on yours?


  1. Travel to every continent (yes....every one).
    Have at least one more biological child
    Adopt at least one child
    Build a house
    Finish my doctorate
    Find a full-time teaching job at a community college
    Watch my children grow up
    Go to an Olympic opening ceremony

    I'm sure there's more if I thought about it...

  2. I like it Andi! I have no interest in going to Antarctica though... The rest I'd like to visit. I would love to do a ton more traveling, but for my bucket list, Egypt is at the top of my list. :)
    We want to have at least one more of our own & adopt one, too!

  3. My only interest in Antarctica are the penguins and the giant ice shelves. No plans to traverse the entire continent!

  4. Still... you know how I feel about the cold! ;)
