Sunday, November 11, 2012

Days 10 & 11 (Non-)Updates

So, I kinda fell off the bandwagon again. I've enjoyed my weekend though!
I haven't read the chapters yet, and I haven't photographed any more records. I haven't done any laundry, so my life hack isn't applicable. My Day 10 assignment to myself was to do general clean-up for the rest of the hall to get ready to set up the furniture pieces for the kiddos' craft room as my Day 11 challenge.
The main problem with that is having the records & a couple large coolers & other large items that need better homes. I think I may need to re-vamp & skip to some other steps. Of course, the only furniture-type item that needs set up for the kiddo craft room is a wire shelving unit where I plan to store the art supplies. I'm hesitant to have ALL of them within Amber's reach though...
Day 12's challenge was to move all the art supplies down to that shelving unit. I might skip all those steps until after we get the new flooring installed.

What I DID do this weekend was go with the family to look at armchairs. Our glider in the living room isn't holding up very well. Plus, it's a pale beige/cream color & shows all the little spills & cat hair. We went to Furniture row & found a couple of clearance pieces that showed some promise, but were far from ideal, aside from the price. Next, we went to the La-Z-Boy store. They were doing a Veteran's day weekend sale where a bunch of chairs were on some sort of BOGO(%/amount off) deal. Our sales lady turned out to be the mom of one of the ladies in my moms' group who is in turn the mom of one of the girls in Amber's gymnastics class last spring. She talked us into getting two chairs! The color isn't ideal & they weren't as cheap as the clearance ones, but they were much better in every other way. So, the grand plan of my last post has been revised a little to make room to put the 2nd chair in the office.
After we got home I found that my beads I ordered had arrived! So, I excitedly got to work on some new jewelry pieces. I've been working for years now to try & make a special necklace for Amber with real amber & turquoise, her birthstone. I finished it yesterday:

I started another necklace that's going to be someone's Christmas gift. I finished it today & started a pair of earrings to go with it.
Between yesterday & today, I played around with our ideas for the grand plan & measured all the furniture in the two basement rooms & our guest room & figured out how to fit things in the new plan. I used this free room-planning website to figure out the layouts & came up with these plans:
That shows the office with the new layout, except for the door is actually bigger & thus there's not room for the bookshelf to the right of it as represented by the rectangle; especially not if we want access to the light switches. We'll probably put that bookshelf in the hall, even though it won't match the other two already out there.

This is my craft room with the antique furniture pieces from the guest room. There are a couple more of those wire shelving units in there currently that I didn't include in this layout. There's also big bins, boxes, baskets & piles of STUFF that needs to be dealt with both in the craft room & some in the guest room.

Today, I had planned to get back on track some, but I was lazy this morning, ate lunch, showered worked on the necklace & packed up my beading stuff to take to the "crafternoon" with my friends. After the get-together we had dinner & then clipped coupons & planned a shopping trip, which my hubby went & did while I was writing this & taking care of kiddo. We helped put the groceries away already.
All that & some phone calls & Skype video calls are what comprised most of our weekend. So, I don't feel too bad about not sticking with the challenge exactly & feel like I was a little bit productive and overall reasonably relaxed. ;)

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